Everrextrade Passive Income

What is Investment?

An investment is an asset or item that is purchased with the hope that it will generate income or appreciate in the future. In an economic sense, an investment is the purchase of goods that are not consumed today but are used in the future to create wealth. Trading, on the other hand, involves the more frequent buying and selling of stock, commodities, currency pairs or other instruments, to generate returns that outperform buy and hold investing. So EverrexTrade manages your portfolios using its super artificial intelligence and you earn a handsome weekly profit even while sleeping.
Investment Packages(BOTS)
Weekly ROI %2% - 4%2% - 4%2% - 4%2% - 4%2% - 4%2% - 4%
Weekly ROI $$2 - $4$6 - $12$18 - $36$54 - $108$162 - $324$486 - $972
Monthly ROI %8% - 16%8% - 16%8% - 16%8% - 16%8% - 16%8% - 16%
Monthly ROI $$8 - $16$24 - $48$72 - $144$216 - $432$648 - $1296$1944 - $3888
Overall ROI %300%300%300%300%300%300%
Overall ROI $$300$900$2,700$8,100$24,300$72,900
Maturity TimeWhen Reached 3xWhen Reached 3xWhen Reached 3xWhen Reached 3xWhen Reached 3xWhen Reached 3x

 This is a pure and 100% trusted Investment platform. In this platform you can earn upto 4% roi of your investment every week untill it's going to 300%.

This is a high class company in England and it's paying since 2017.

Join this platform and claim 50 everrex coin free



Everrex Coin is A product of EverrexTrade.com. We are building next-generation auto trading robots using our own Super AI technology. We are designing super AI trading systems & scalable auto trading solutions to manage multiple trading strategies. Everrex Coin is not only q cryptocurrency but a tokenized asset empowering the traders with its super AI and systematic trading strategies through API trading on your desired Exchanges / Brokers. Everrex Coin ensures easy mass adoption by targeting millions of traders & bringing a promising opportunity to grow your crypto portfolio. The token sale is continued.
You can buy Multiple bots at a time.
Minimum deposit is 1$.

At this time you can claim 400$ bounty program by referring your friend.
If you don't have minimum capital to start so don't be stressed refer your friends family and earn comission on every bot purchased.

Payment Method:

Perfect money, Payeer, Bitcoin, skrill etc.


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